In a tranquil garden setting, the narrator parallels gardening with mental health. The garden symbolizes our evolving mental landscape, where a nutrient-rich diet...
Archive - September 2024
In a vibrant neighborhood, a beloved tow truck symbolizes tireless caregivers. When the tow truck gets stuck, it represents moments caregivers feel overwhelmed and...
In this heartfelt episode, a Canada Goose leads its flock northward, symbolizing the caregiver’s journey. As the goose tires, it learns the importance of self-care...
A lighthouse battles the elements, its faltering light symbolizing a caregiver’s struggle with trauma and PTSD. As it weathers the storm, the lighthouse reflects...
In this episode, we delve into the metaphorical journey of a caregiver guiding their loved ones through life’s challenges. As each symbolic cloud—Functioning...
In this episode, a bag of flour dreams of becoming a beautiful layer cake but learns it can’t achieve this alone. With help from various ingredients representing...