
First Time Caregiver

Dr. Lu visits Rob, who moved in with his mother Kristine to help after she suffered a serious fall while on vacation. A move that has also revealed Kristine’s...

The Nature of Caregiving

Ruby is a devoted caregiver to her father-in-law, Sucha, but it is affecting her physical and mental health. Dr. Lu introduces Ruby to Amy, a physiotherapist, and...

Culinary Caring

Dr. Lu travels to Milton, Ontario, where she meets Shannon and her daughter Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has Cystic Fibrosis and requires a high-calorie, high-fat diet. Dr. Lu...

Music Can Heal Us

Alice and Vic share the responsibility of caring for Alice’s mother Luz. They haven’t had much time to do anything together that doesn’t involve...


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Collaboratively harness market-driven processes whereas resource-leveling internal or "organic" sources. Competently formulate.